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(Olympic Winter Games)

Beijing 2022

The 2020 Winter Olympics (XXIV Winter Olympic Games) took place in China from February 4 to February 20, 2022

Choose the alternative ranking you prefer below

Medal standings forecast based on international results before Olympics

Per capita

World population Icon
PIB Ranking


By points System

Icon Point system
Multi sport ranking

Diversity of Sports

By number of athletes

Icon Honorable Mentions

Honorable Mentions

By average age

Icon Average age of medal-winning athletes by nation
Icon: % of medal-winning athletes

By % of medal-winning athlete

Medal standings adjusted for each country's population

Medal standings adjusted for each country's GDP

Medal standings by number of point

Ranking of the number of sports with medals per nation.

Medal standings adjusted for the number of athletes in each delegation

% of athletes who won medals out of the total athletes per delegation

Average age of medal-winning athletes per nation

Number of honorable places (4th to 10th place) and % of podium finishes among the Top 10

Medal Standings Forecast

If the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics are now concluded, the ranking below dates from the end of January 2022, prior to the start of the Olympic Games.

Therefore, it is not the real and official ranking but a forecast of the medal standings.

This forecast is based on the results of the World Cup / World Championships of the various disciplines of Olympic winter sports for the 2021/2022 season or the World Championships from 2018 to 2022 for disciplines without sufficiently identified and relevant international circuits.

To simplify the process, previous international podiums for each Olympic event are accumulated to determine, for each nation, the probability of gold, silver, and bronze medals.

The details of the events considered and assumptions made are detailed in the link above.

A comparison between this estimate and the actual results of the 2022 Beijing Olympics is also available

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