(Olympic Winter Games)

The 2020 Winter Olympics (XXIV Winter Olympic Games) took place in China from February 4 to February 20, 2022
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Medal standings forecast based on international results before Olympics
Assomptions taken for the forecasts
The forecasts are based on the following assumptions and calculation method:
The reference competitions for each discipline are specified in the table below.
To simplify:
- Inclusion of World Cup events during the 2021/2022 season (before the start of the Olympic period).
- When there is no World Cup circuit, or it is not sufficiently identified, results from the World Championships from 2018 to 2021 are considered.
- Only "worldwide" competitions are considered. Continental competitions are not included, for example.
In these reference competitions, for each type of Olympic event, each podium is counted:
For each nation, the percentage of 1st place in the counted reference events determines the potential for GOLD medals (For example, if nation A or its athletes win 2 events out of the 8 counted, it gives a potential of 2/8 = 0.25 GOLD medals).
For each nation, the percentage of 2nd place in the counted reference events determines the potential for SILVER medals.
For each nation, the percentage of 3rd place in the counted reference events determines the potential for BRONZE medals.
By adding up all nations, for each Olympic event, we therefore arrive at a potential of 1 for GOLD, 1 for SILVER, and 1 for BRONZE.
The medal potentials for each Olympic event are then summed up