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TOKYO 2020
Summer Olympic Games)

Tokyo 2020 - Logo

The 2020 Summer Olympics (XXXII Olympiad of the modern era) took place in Japan from July 23 to August 8, 2021

Choose the alternative ranking you prefer below

Population by country icon

Per Capita

Medal ranking adjusted for the population of each country

Icon PIB


Medal ranking adjusted for the GDP of each country.

Icon Point System ranking

By Point System

Medal ranking by number of points

Multi-sport icon / Diversity ranking

Diversity of sports

Ranking of the number of sports with medals by nation

Icon Athletes

By number of athletes

Medal ranking adjusted for the number of athletes in each delegation

Ranking by population size

Traditionally, the medal standings are established based on the total number of medals. But what if we relate this number of medals to the population size of each country, and therefore to its pool of potential athletes?

Here is the response for the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games, with a ranking done according to the number of inhabitants in the country, per medal won

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